Friday, 25 March 2011

Kebanyakkan Enzymes Rosak Kerana memasak

The Secret Miracles of Noni Enzyme

The Iridoid Difference

Organik Diabetic (Leucaena leucocephala, 20 Pack

14-10-2010 00:13 Komentar hanida
Organik Diabetic (Leucaena leucocephala, 20 Pack Organik Diabetic (Leucaena leucocephala, 20 Pack @ 82 gr)
Bahan makanan organik bagi diabetesi ( penderita diabetes) ini terbuat dari bahan utama tanaman organik kopi arabica dan robusta serta petai cina (Leucaena leucocephala, Lmk. de wit) yang terpilih dan sudah tua serta kering. Diolah dengan cara digoreng tanpa minyak kemudian ditumbuk halus (dibuat bubuk) serta ditambahkan kopi arabica, vitamin dan mineral. Cara penyajian ambil beberapa sendok dan seduhlah dengan air mendidih seperti layaknya membuat kopi. Jika perlu tambahkan gula rendah kalori ( tropicana, diabetasol, dll) Seduhan Sedini ini akan menjadi minuman yang wangi seperti coklat, enak diminum secara rutin tiap hari. Kopi Organik Diabetic ini berkhasiat : 1. ikut menurunkan kandungan kadar gula dalam darah (hiperglisemia), 2. meningkatkan kerja Pankreas dalam memproduksi insulin Produk ini dikemas dalam outer berupa Pack Karton & inner Plastic per 82 gram. Kemudian bagi pembelian per karton, sekaligus berisi 20 Pack Per Karton. sumber

Pembekal Makanan Haiwan


KLPK Ventures Sdn Bhd

Phone No: +6047344930
Fax No: +6047344897
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Contact Us       
Price : RM 20

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untuk ternakan tenusu anda...

LLM Tenusu (Dairy LLM) kami berasaskan petai
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yang digemari ternakan tenusu & diperakui oleh
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ternakan sehingga 65%!!!

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Tidak perlu lagi menggunakan DCP untuk ternakan
anda & hasil susu merupakan hasil dari
pemakanan bahan hijau yang terbaik...

Apa tunggu lagi?! Cubalah hari ini juga untuk
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Penghantaran ke mana sahaja di Malaysia.

InsyaAllah berjaya diperoleh hasil yang baik dari
sumber yang baik...

maklumat lanjut & tempahan, sila hubungi :
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Wednesday, 23 March 2011

What are Flavonoids?

Flavonoids, also referred to as bioflavonoids, are polyphenol antioxidants found naturally in plants. They are secondary metabolites, meaning they are organic compounds that have no direct involvement with the growth or development of plants. More simply put, flavonoids are plant nutrients that when consumed in the form of fruits and vegetables are non-toxic as well as potentially beneficial to the human body.
Flavonoids are widely disbursed throughout plants and are what give the flowers and fruits of many plants their vibrant colors. They also play a role in protecting the plants from microbe and insect attacks. More importantly, the consumption of foods containing flavonoids has been linked to numerous health benefits. Though research shows flavonoids alone provide minimal antioxidant benefit due to slow absorption by the body, there is indication that they biologically trigger the production of natural enzymes that fight disease.
more :

Usual Dosage And Side Effect Of Flavonoid

Usual dosage

Doses of flavonoids will differ depending on the type of flavonoid used and the specific condition. To boost general long term health, the best bet is a flavonoid mixture which is a combination of several types including the quercetin, rutin, and the hesperidins. The dosage instructions written on the product label must be followed. A dose of five hundred mg of quercetin taken thrice a day is sufficient for dealing with all kinds of allergies, chronic asthma, gout, and insect bites.
Flavonoids are found in high amounts in the extracts of grape seeds and in green tea, these induce a potent antioxidant effect at the cellular level and are extremely beneficial for health. To boost the beneficial protective action of the flavonoids, they are usually combined with the vitamin C in supplements - this may also improve the taste. The ideal time to consume supplements of quercetin is twenty minutes before meals; the other types of flavonoids can be consumed at any time of the day for a variety of problems.

Side effects and cautions

The use of flavonoids in supplements is not linked to any known side effects, and there are no toxicities, adverse reactions, related to the use of supplemental flavonoids to date. They are quite safe.